The i-vengers Program

This program is a year long peer led digital leader program, designed to encourage young children to learn, discover, and share ideas to navigate the online world safely. This program teaches them how digital technology can impact their lives, positively and educationally.

Become a special agent

The i-vengers program has been redeveloped by expert teachers to give students with SEND, the skills and knowledge to safely navigate online environments. By the end of the year long program, children will feel confident to assess some of the risks associated with being online.

The Cymru i-vengers

Mae’r rhaglen hon yn rhaglen arweinwyr digidol blwyddyn o hyd a arweinir gan gymheiriaid, a gynlluniwyd i annog plant ifanc i ddysgu, darganfod, a rhannu syniadau i lywio’r byd ar-lein yn ddiogel. Mae’r rhaglen hon yn eu dysgu sut y gall technoleg ddigidol effeithio ar eu bywydau, yn gadarnhaol ac yn addysgol.

The online world needs heroes...

Empowering young explorers to safely make the most of the web in ways that advance and enrich their lives for the better.

Online safety is an important subject in our schools, homes and communities. Not just for young explorers, taking their first steps into an ever-changing digital environment, but also for teachers, key workers, professionals and parents responsible for their welfare and development.

In working together, we can make the online world a safer, better place. Through learning, discovery and the sharing of new ideas, we can all make a positive difference, helping children of every age to safely make the most of digital technologies in ways that positively impact their lives now and for the future.

Featured On

We’re thrilled that our work at i-vengers has been featured on leading platforms and publications, showcasing our innovative solutions and commitment to making the online world safer for children. Our program has been recognised for its inclusiveness and engaging content. Check out our featured articles and media appearances to learn more about how i-Vengers is making a difference.


When you’re working with children, you have a clear responsibility to their safety online. We can perform an extensive review of your existing procedures, or establish a new robust safeguarding framework if you don’t already have one.

Learn more about assessments


With so many ways for children to use the internet and technology, it’s important to understand the potential dangers. We can provide essential training for staff in schools and across the community, enabling them to enforce, identify and respond to issues concerning online safety.

Learning more about training


We believe learning should be fun and memorable. Our interactive workshops engage children in schools, colleges and various youth projects, teaching the importance of online safety while empowering them to make the most of digital technologies.

Learn more about our workshops


Use our online safety platform to access a broad suite of helpful resources and information for use in the classroom, at work and in the home. Our library gives everybody the advice and safety guidance they need to make a genuine difference.

Learn more about training


We can review your safeguarding procedures, making sure robust practices remain in place and your online safety obligations are met.

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We can deliver professional training, equipping key workers across the community to pro-actively safeguard children online.

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Interactive workshops for schools and clubs, empowering children to become capable and confident explorers of the web together.

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Access a broad suite of tools, tips and useful online safety resources built around the needs of children, teachers, parents and key workers.

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What our clients say...

"Being an i-venger has taught me so much about staying safe online. I feel more confident knowing how to handle situations that could be dangerous."


Year 6

Year 6

"The i-vengers programme has transformed the way we approach online safety in our school. The interactive sessions and continuous support have empowered our students to be vigilant and responsible digital citizens"

Feedback from Teacher

"You have no idea of the impact the i-vengers project has had on our school, we have elevated online safety so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. Its not just the project though, it’s the impact upon our students, some of them very vulnerable, being an i-venger has been a real boost to the confidence and self esteem. 4 of our 8 i-vengers have some  kind of vulnerability. They have bloomed as i-vengers. Thank you so much."

Hallam Fields Junior School

"We have got our 360 accreditation. Yay!! Assessor came in and was truly impressed by our online safety provision, policy and practice. You made the process straight forward for us with your advice, feedback and support. Thank you again."

A. Kabil

West Park Primary School, Wolverhampton

West Park Primary School, Wolverhampton
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